Ardith Bondi • A Tale of Many Penguins: Finding Them, Photographing Them, and Comparing Them • 7:30 pm • 1/14/20

Penguins are definitely not one size fits all. Although they mostly live in the Southern Hemisphere and none of them can fly, they exist in varied habitats on diverse continents and have distinct lifestyles and physiology to match. Penguins are intrepid, having adapted to living in some of the harshest environments on earth. However, not all of them live around snow and ice. Ardith Bondi’s presentation will show and discuss the different types of penguins, how they live, and her experiences observing them in the wild.

Ardith Bondi lives in Manhattan. She earned a Ph.D. in pharmacology from Columbia University and continued medical research at New York University Medical Center and at The Rockefeller University before leaving research to perform as a flutist. After years of performing and teaching, she still plays in the Centre Symphony in Manhattan and photographs birds near home and in many other interesting places far removed.