Patrick Baglee • A Birding Miscellany • 6:00 pm • 10/9/18

After spending three years birding in New York City, Patrick Baglee has spent the last two years living and birding in northern California. He will show films and sketches made during birding trips locally in the South Bay of San Francisco, and farther afield on trips to Hawaii and Texas. Covering species in each of the three states, and one or two more unusual occurrences typical of the Bay area in spring and autumn, Patrick will offer a whistle-stop tour of his birding experiences over the last 18 months, and in particular, will describe his efforts to see, as well as hear, two of North America’s more secretive rail species. 

Patrick Baglee, a member of the Linnaean Society of New York, has spoken previously to the Society on the subject of Dr. E.R.P. Janvrin’s contribution to the Society and ornithology in general in New York State.