Peter Post • A Talk with Peter Post • 6:00 pm • 10/8/13

The youngest Linnaean member ever up to the time he joined the Society in 1954, Peter Post received a PhD from Columbia University in anthropology, which he went on to teach at several colleges and universities, including the University of Florida and Cornell. His avocation, however, has always been ornithology, and he has long been a member of what Todd Newberry in his book The Ardent Birder calls “the varsity.” His birding trips have taken him to many countries around the world; his photographs have appeared in numerous publications, including Audubon Magazine, Natural History Magazine and Handbook of the Birds of the World; he has published in some of the major ornithological publications, including Bird BandingThe Auk and Ibis; and he was the author of the 1979 Wildlife Management Plan for the Gateway National Recreation Area. He will talk about his life in birding and the changes he has seen over the years.