Stephane Perreault • The American Redstart: A Birder’s View • 6:00 pm • 4/11/17

Stephane Perreault studied redstarts for six years at McGill University, including a DNA parentage study. Perreault’s presentation on the American Redstart will focus on features that will allow birders and bird watchers to further appreciate these marvelous birds. The recognition of sexual dimorphism, delayed plumage maturation, individual plumage pattern, and songs that can be recognized to the individual, can provide any of us with more meaningful encounters with this species. These will be discussed in the context of the fascinating breeding biology of the American Redstart. Perreault has co-authored papers on the breeding biology of Redstarts, Yellow Warblers, and also assisted in the field studies of Cattle Egrets and Red-breasted Mergansers. Although he has pursued a career in laboratories for the last 20 years, he has never ceased to remain an avid birder.